Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/11/08 - More than a month

Good golly, I've been on this trip for more than a month now! Still having quite the good time, though. I'm now in Maryland, visiting some more friends here. We all got dressed up and went to a renaissance fair today. No pics of me. I had a horrible shaving accident and am loathe to post more till I can grow the beard back. :) I loved seeing all the varied costumes and watching the jousts and such. I also was made aware of a new comedy duo, Puke and Snot. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Didn't get a pic of them, though. Best not to draw their attention, unless one wants a carrot shower.

I am definitely going to have to attend more of these. I wonder how on earth I missed them in the past.

A few more photos on Photobucket.


Unknown said...

How cool is that? I've seen ads for a couple of these from time to time over in Vegas, but I've never been brave enough to go.. might have to check the next one out..

Hope that you are having fun and have many more adventures! =)

Richardson Twins said...

Now I am all sorts of curious about this shaving incident! We will definitely have to go to one of these things sometime!

LittlestPenguin said...

Hey, I know some of those people! Having Meetup dejavu now. :)

- ArchivesNinja

PenguinSushi said...

That's awesome - i've always wanted to go to one of those things too... ...we do have some sca people, but i don't think there's a ren. fair proper around here...