So, I started by crossing the Mississippi in Baton Rouge. I gotta admit, I was expecting it to be wider. I mean, its not really any wider than where I crossed in Iowa. And the Columbia is wider, though not as long. Still, it is an impressive river.

Upon reaching Texas, I realized that I-10 would take me within 20 miles of the coast(I know Houston's on the coast, but I'm not about to drive through downtown Houston to get there). Anyway, I decided to take the hours detour to see the Gulf of Mexico and have a pic at all the large bodies of water that border the USA. What I failed to realize, though it became quite obvious almost as soon as I left the highway, is that I was about to hit the coast very close to the same place Ike did. I could see damage everywhere I looked. Out of respect for the people there, I only took a picture of the coastal road for damage.

Still, I did take the pics, so here you go, the Gulf of Mexico.

1 comment:
I'm sure that you are not the only one who has shed tears. I admire your respect for those who live there.
You have snapped some great pictures! Maybe you should consider becoming a photographer!?!?
Anyway, happy to see you are enjoying your travels! And even happier that you are sharing your experiences with us!
love you!
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