So I wasn't able to get on last night. As a result, you are getting both of the days for my trip back to Salt Lake City in one go.
Day 10:I took the central route through Oregon today. As you can see, the route goes through some pristine wilderness.

I stopped in the quaint little town of Sisters for lunch. I could see myself living in a place like this. Small town; not too far from things. I could certainly set up shop and see what happens.

After Sisters, the road took me up onto the high plains. It’s full of Scrub Pine and Sagebrush. There’s also some excellent mountains in the background.

Then, coming off the plains, I followed this river into Ontario OR, which is right on the border of Idaho. The river was very pretty and I wish I could have found a good place to pull over and get you all a pic of the sun setting on the buttes. It was quite spectacular.

Of lesser, but more annoying spectacle, the last hundred miles into Ontario are a haven for bugs, most of which committed suicide on my person.
Day 11Today was just a reverse of day one, but I did manage to stop at an excellent place to get you all a pic of the Snake River. Despite the name, I failed to see any snakes. :(

Tomorrow, I shall be heading east again toward Cheyenne, WY.
The (now mandatory) link to photobucket, where there are a few more pics.
Krade here. Didn't feel like registering anywhere so I picked to say anonymous without actually being anonymous.
Cool pics man. I kinda wish you were stopping by Indy so we could hang out again (like at the JC meetup if you don't remember). You're a pretty cool dude. Don't think I'd be able to offer a place to stay though, my brother can be pretty... annoying, to put it as lightly as possible and would have as much say in the matter as I.
That does look like a cute little town and a very beautiful river. The bug suicide maked me laugh again, though the one up your leg must have gotten through you armor class. :s Is it weird that I think 'ew' when its made it under your clothes, but I think its funny when the way to talk about them splatting? Must just be my phobia.
Also, man I miss mountains. :(
- Phoenixineohp
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