Though Illinois and Indiana are quite beautiful, I'm gettung a bit worn down by the daily ride. Good thing I'll be stopping for a while after tomorrow's ride, eh.
The day started out with an interesting twist. Because I did not have internet last night, I was unable to map my cousre for the day. The hotel, which is on the Illinois border, did not have a map. neither did any of the convenience stores I stopped at after entering Illinois. I did know that I wanted to go east and north. got a bit lost till I was 50 miles in and found a store with a map.
Then I reached Indianapolis at 5pm. It took me an hour to go the 20 miles to get through it. Poor planning on my part, I guess.
Anyway, I'm now in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Tomorrow, I push on to Toronto, Ontario.
It is I, your non-anon friend Krade once more to enlighten your life with empty promises of color TV!!! (I have no idea what brought that on, so don't ask)
You never said you were going to actually be in Indianapolis... I guess you just weren't planning on stopping here then, eh?
You should have gotten a picture of the Indy skyline. I love the Indy skyline, especially when you're coming in at night from the east. Best. View. EVAR!!
Unfortunately, Krade, I was only passing through and had no time to stop. Honestly, I think I spent too much time there, sitting on the freeway at a dead stop.
Too bad for me, I came in from the west during the day :)
Hey...we are missing your updates! ;) Hope you are having fun in Toronto! Love you!
Soon you will have your "Iron Butt" badge after all this riding! (Check out www.ironbutt.com) It is good to hear you are doing well! All I have to say is you aren't missing anything back at Fido and I am completely envious that you are out there and I am stuck here slaving away. The fam wanted me to tell you hello, so hello!
Looking forward to your next post.
How cool that you are seeing so many new places. It was great to talk to you yesterday and I'm so glad to hear that things are going well.
If you want to keep up with my silly blog.. here's the link:
I have been trying to update it a couple of times a week, but school and all the other stuff gets in the way ....
Good luck on the trip!
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