Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Toronto Area Interim

Sorry I haven't posted here in a few days. I have been having a fun time visiting a friend here in Toronto, Ontario, who has kept me quite busy. On the plus side for you, that means that when I do get some time to post pictures and such here, you will have quite a lot to enjoy.

A tidbit of fun information. We were at the Toronto Zoo and stopped for some lunch. As I was sitting there eating, a bee flew up and landed on my cup and started drinking all the droplets of root beer around the rim. He was so cute, sticking his tiny little head into the droplet and then slurping it all up. I sat there and watched him for a bit, since I was done with the root beer. I almost felt sorry to throw the cup away when we had to leave. I'd have got a pic, but my camera that day wasn't the one with the macro function, so you'll just have to suffer with the written description.


Anonymous said...

HLR entered the MTC today. It is one of those mixed emotions things. We are all excited for her to serve in the Dallas Texas Mission and share the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are interested. And yet at the same time, we will miss her mightily! My emotions have been on the surface causing my eyes to leak a lot. We miss you too. Stay safe!

Richardson Family said...

Glad to see you are still on the radar! ;) Anyway, the girls are looking forward to the pictures from the zoo!

Love you!

Richardson Twins said...

I am glad that you are enjoying your adventure! I look forward to more updates and especially your pictures! Although our Friday night activities aren't the same without you.