Also, to any of you wishing to test the limits of your speedometer, this is the state for you.* The highways are very straight, and when they do turn, its a long, gradual turn.
Anyway, I stopped at the border to pick up a map, and the lady there said I just had to stop in Kearney(pronounced Carney) to see the historic arch there. I saw the historic arch. I drove under it at 75mph. It looked to me like an arch built over the highway so that people could be told to stop in Kearney to see their historic arch.
A bit further down the road was something I actually did find quite interesting. I pulled off the highway in Gothenburg to wipe the bugs off my faceshield, and found this old Sod Hut.

They also had one of the original Pony Express waystations there, though they had moved it a few miles in order to make it fit in their park and such. Gothenburg was a very nice looking town, with old, interesting looking homes. I quite liked it there.

So I am now in Lincoln, NE and am further east than I have ever been by land.
*Midnight Son does not support or condone the breaking of state or local traffic laws. Furthermore, he will not be held liable for any issues, both legal or monetary, that may arise due to the decidedly dim view the Nebraska State Troopers will likely take of your explanation as to why you were doing such.
Jared, you forget that you were born in Virginia and travelled west (to Utah)by car at the grand old age of 8 weeks.
Krade again, not very anonymously...
Oooh... get told by Jackie! I'm guessing relative, probably older, possibly mother.
Anyways... yeah, that's all.
"So I am now in Lincoln, NE and am further east than I have ever been by land."
You don't want to be going any further East! I hear they eat people out yonder. Why do you think so many thousands of people were imported to NYC in the 19th century? ;-)
Tasty Westerners. They're so tender and scrumptious.
And hell yeah, Nebraska = boring. I spent a week there one day passing through on a bus.
Crossing the Miss on the way to Toronto? Tell Shannon I said Hey. If that's where you're going. Or I guess I could tell her myself, as she'll probably be reading this.
Hi Shannon!
I'm still jealous, as is my father now. I was at my folks' place last night. My dad asked what I was looking at, so I let him read some.
He did something similar when he was younger. He and about five other guys all wheeled out to Yosemite Park on their bikes, and he says that they should have gone coast to coast while they were at it. So yeah, he's jealous now too.
Jackie, I don't remember it, so it doesn't count. :)
Yes, my mother.
Cameron: Be seein' you, too. Just...Not right away.
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